RS4112 - Remote Sensing Laboratory (Syllabus) 2021-regulation Anna University

RS4112 - Remote Sensing Laboratory (Syllabus) 2021-regulation Anna University





• This course will facilitate the students to have hands on experience on different steps of Visual digital satellite image.

1. Spectral reflectance observation of the following using handheld spectro radiometer.
   i) Vegetation. ii) Soil iii) Water iv) Built-up
2. Map reading Survey of India topo sheets.
3. Base Map preparation from SOI
4. Visual image interpretation keys for different land cover types on different satellite data
5. Land use/land cover map
6. Soil map.
7. Geology and geomorphology maps.
8. Slope maps and Watershed delineation.


OUTCOMES: On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to
CO1 Understand spectral reflectance of vegetation, soil, water and built-up using spectro radiometer.
CO2 Understand the satellite image formats and base map preparation.
CO3 Ready to prepare the base map from Survey of India Toposheets.
CO4 Understanding the image elements for landuse/ Landcover maps.
CO5 Understand the geology and geomorphology maps through RS data and practical ability to delineate feature boundaries.

1. Lillesand T.M., and Kiefer,R.W. Remote Sensing and Image interpretation, VI edition of John Wiley & Sons-2015.
2. John R. Jensen, Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective, 4th Edition, 2015.
3. John A.Richards, Springer – Verlag, Remate Sensing Digital Image Analysis 5th edition, 2013.
4. Paul Curran P.J. Principles of Remote Sensing, ELBS; 1985.
5. Charles Elachi and Jakob J. van Zyl, Introduction To The Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing , Wiley Series in Remote Sensing and Image Processing, 2nd edition, 2006.
6. George Joseph, Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Third Edition, Universities Press (India) Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, 2018
7. Basudeb Bhatta, Remote Sensing and GIS, Oxford University Press, 2011


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