Anna University CGPA Calculator

Anna University CGPA Calculator

Cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is a way of representing your grade by adding your previous semester GPA's and then dividing it by your number of semesters completed.

For eg: if you are in semester 4, then your CGPA = (sem1 GPA + sem2 GPA + sem3 GPA) / 3

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CGPA?

Cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is a way of representing your overall academic performance grade, calculated by averaging your previous semester GPA's (Grade Point Average) completed by the student.

For eg: if you are in semester 4,
Then your CGPA would be = (sem1 GPA + sem2 GPA + sem3 GPA) / 3

Formula Used in CGPA Calculation?

What is GPA?

Grade point average (GPA) is a way of representing your academic achievements for a particular semester, calculated by averaging your grade points.

Formula Used in GPA Calculation?

Formula used for GPA & CGPA?

How to calculate CGPA / How to check your CGPA?

Step 1: Go to Google -> search for "Anna university CGPA Calculator NotesforGeeks".
Step 2: Open the first link.
Step 3: Choose your current semester from the drop down.
Step 4: Enter your GPA.
Step 5: Click on "Calculate your CGPA".

Let us look at an example of how to calculate the CGPA.

 Example 1:

    Let us assume that Vijay has to calculate his CGPA, currently he is in 6th semester.
    To calculate CGPA, he has to know his GPA of previous semesters

    Sem1 GPA = 8
    Sem2 GPA = 7
    Sem3 GPA = 8.5
    Sem4 GPA = 6.5
    Sem5 GPA = 7.2

    Then, CGPA = (Total of all previous semester GPAs) / no: of semester
               CGPA = (8 + 7 + 8.5 + 6.5 + 7.2) / 7
               CGPA = 7.4

How to Convert CGPA into Percentage?

Let us Assume that Vijay has 7.4 CGPA, now he wants to convert his CGPA into Percentage.

   Then, Percentage = CGPA * 10
              Percentage = 7.4 *10
              Percentage = 74%.

Difference Between CGPA and Percentage?

CGPA and Percentage are both methods of representing your Academic Performance.

CGPA represents your Academic Performance in the form of grade between (0 to 10)
    For eg : 8 CGPA, 9 CGPA

Percentage represents your Academic Performance in the form of percentage between (0 to 100)
    For eg: 80%, 90%

What is the CGPA for 1st class at Anna University?

7 CGPA or above 7 CGPA. Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 7.00.

What is the CGPA for the 2nd class at Anna University?

6.5 CGPA or above 6.5 CGPA. Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 6.5.

My GPA in 1st semester is 7.04 and 7.62 in 2nd semester. Both semesters cleared with no arrears. Now I am stepping on to 3rd semester… Is there any possibility for me to get distinction?

Yes, there is possibility to get First class with Distinction, if your CGPA is 8.5 or above 8.5 after 8th semester and if u do not have any backlog arrears. Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 8.50.

if a person has arrear in 3rd Sem in a single subject. if get cleared after applying revaluation then it is possible to get distinction?

Yes its possible to get Distinction, if u have 8.5 CGPA or above 8.5 CGPA after 8th semester.

what is the differences between GPA and CGPA?

GPA is calculated for a Particular Semester.

CGPA is calculated for overall (8 Semester).

I got 7.1 in 1st Sem and 7.2 in 2nd Sem 7.5 in 3rd Sem is there any possibility for distinction?

Yes there is possible for Distinction, if u have 8.5 CGPA or above 8.5 CGPA after 8th semester.

I get 7.32 GPA in 1st Sem and 6.88 GPA in 2nd Sem without no history of arrear, can any possibility to get distinction?

Yes there is possible to get Distinction, if u have 8.5 CGPA or above 8.5 CGPA after 8th semester without no history of arrear.

If I want to get distinction for regulation 2017. What is the CGPA point to get distinction? Is this 7.5 or 8.5?

8.5 CGPA or above 8.5 CGPA.

My CGPA in 1st Semester Is 6.76 and 2nd Semester Is 6.6. Both Semester Cleared With No Arrears. How Much Can I Score In All Coming Semester To Get First Class And Distinction?

To get First Class with Distinction, In upcoming 6 semesters at least u have to score above 9.2 GPA in every Semester.

I have a GPA 7.47 in first semester with 2 arrears & GPA 7 in second semester with no arrear. If I will get 7.5 GPA in every semester up to 8th semester. I will pass in first class. If I cleared all the arrears?

No, U will not get first class, if u get 7.5 GPA in remaining every semester. At least u must get above 7.6 GPA in every semester to get pass in First class.

if they see the history of arrears or not? For getting first class?

They don’t see the history of arrears to get First Class. But to get First class with Distinction they will see the history of Arrears.

Is to get distinction Students must get at least 8.5 CGPA With out any history of arrears in all their semesters?

Yes, to get Distinction students must get at least 8.5 CGPA without any history of arrears.


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